
This project is about a Music genre classification, which classifies the type of genre (Blues, Disco, Rock, etc..) using a CNN.

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Music Genre Classifier

In this project, we will use the dataset provided by Kaggle to build and train a Convolutional Neural Network for classifying Music Genres.

Steps to be followed

1.Download and Unzip the dataset provied in the Kaggle Dataset.

2.We need to preprocess the dataset. Which means we have to extract the feautres(MFCC) of the different music genres(Blues, Rock, Metal, Jazz, Disco, etc..) and label it accordingly.

3.Store the MFCC features in a json file.

4.Load and split the Dataset to Train , Test and Validation.

5.Build the CNN model.

6.Compile the model.

7.Train the Model and evalute.

8.Inference/ Prediction is done on the trained model.